Zurich Comedy Club «A Semblance Of Wholeness» and «The whole shebang»

Comedy Club
Vorstellungen: Dienstag 6. bis Samstag 10./Dienstag 13. bis Freitag 16. September Beginn: 19.30 Uhr/Samstag 17.00 Uhr Reservation: 0900 800 800 ticketcorner (Fr. 1.19/Minute Festnetztarif) oder www.ticketcorner.com oder Migros City Tel. 044 221 16 71/Jelmoli 044 220 44 66/Jecklin 044 253 77 77 Eintrittspreise: 28.- (Basispreis. Es gelten zusätzliche Ticketcorner Gebühren, siehe www.zcc.ch/2011.htlml) Abendkasse und Bar: eine Stunde vor Beginn Weitere Informationen: www.zcc.ch/stok2011.html
  «Semblance of Madness» by John H. Newmeir – a drama Our first play is a powerful and challenging drama set in the women’s ward of a psychiatric hospital. Three women meet for a therapeutic drama session and each tells us, apparently truthfully, that she is a mental health professional and that the other two women are patients. One of the three is suspected of committing a gruesome murder…but which one? In this unusual and unsettling ‘whodunnit’ the extremes of human emotions spill over as conflict heightens and the truth eventually comes out. How much of this unpredictable and sinister behaviour is a manifestation of mental illness and how much is acting? Are we really witnessing madness or merely a ‘Semblance of Madness’? and «The Whole Shebang» by Rich Orloff – a comedy As a complete contrast, our second play takes a light-hearted look at the origins of man and the human predicament. This play asks the question, “What if the entire universe was just some nerd’s science project?” In a classroom in a dimension far beyond ours, a student striving for a “Master of the Universe” degree gives an oral presentation on an unusual thesis – the creation of the heavens and the earth. Two professors and a dean interrogate the student and his two visual aids, a “typical” man and woman. Although a light comedy, ‚The Whole Shebang‘ shows us that despite all of our flaws, there is really something special about each of us. One-night only free bonus show by The IMPROVables! All ticket holders for the ‚Semblance of Wholeness‘ performance on Saturday September 10 at 17.00 are invited to stay on afterwards, have a drink at the bar and then be entertained by the Zurich Comedy Club’s improvisation theatre group, The IMPROVables, at no extra charge.